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Synthesis of news related to Gruma August 2021
August 1
MASECA, AMONG MEXICO’S 50 MOST VALUABLE BRANDS. (SDP NOTICIAS.COM ONLINE 0) (MILENIO ONLINE 0) According to the annual report published by the international consulting firm Brand Finance, Maseca is one of the strongest and 50 most valuable brands in Mexico. During the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Maseca,which belongs to the food industry, was listed in the consulting firm’s ranking for the very first time. In its report, Brand Finance specified that the 50 brands listed represent approximately USD 65.9 billion (MXN 1,310 billion).
August 2
FOOD PRODUCERS EXCEED PRE-COVID SALES BY 16%. (EL FINANCIERO PP-20) (Story moved to the Front Page) In the first half of this year, the food producers listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), Grupo Lala, Grupo Herdez, Grupo Bimbo, Gruma and Bachoco collectively reported a 16% increase in revenue above the revenues obtained in the same period of 2019, before the COVID health emergency. Increased sales included panic purchases, price hikes and the increased demand for food and beverages at home. In the first half of 2021, Bachoco, Gruma, Bimbo, Herdez and Lala reported MXN 299.847 billion in revenues, reflecting a 3% increase per year and 16% more than the income reported in 2019, prior to the pandemic. In particular, Bachoco and Gruma,which reported a 27% and 18% increase in sales, respectively, compared to the first half of 2019, in which the companies reported the highest growth in demand for their products.
CORPORATE EARNINGS SOAR. (EXCÉLSIOR 1-3) (Story with a pass to the front page in the Money section) During Q221, the earnings by leading Mexican companies soared 433.9%, totaling MXN 149.655 billion, compared to 28.31 billion in 2020. Data showing their recovery after the pandemic. Meanwhile, the sales reported by these companies, including América Móvil, Femsa, Alfa, Walmart, Gruma and Liverpool, to mention a few, stood at MXN 1.267,085 trillion; that is, 14.2% higher than the MXN 1.109,764 trillion recorded in Q220. “The corporate reporting balance was positive, with significant improvements in profitability.” In addition, “the reporting season reflected clear signs of recovery, in line with expectations,” said Banorte.
August 14
JUAN GONZÁLEZ MORENO, AMONG THE MOST INFLUENTIAL LEADERS IN MEXICO. (SDP NOTICIAS.COM ONLINE 0) (THE WORLD NEWS ONLINE 0) A release recently published by the Líderes [Leaders] magazine listed Gruma CEO Juan González Moreno among the 300 most influential leaders in Mexico. And the fact is that since 2012, when Juan González Moreno took on his management positions in Gruma, he began to reinforce the Mexican company’s internationalization. The company has received several awards recognizing its values and trajectory, including the Leed Gold Award granted by the U.S. government in 2010 for its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, the Best CSR Practice Award from the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) in 2011, and the distinction as Best Place to Work from the management consulting firm Great Place to Work México.
MEXICO’S BEST CFOs IN 2021. (FORBES MÉXICO 4-122--127) (FORBES MÉXICO 1-F) In Mexico, CFOs have been able to observe events related to the health contingency in other latitudes and to prepare to face challenges across the nation. The financial health of companies was at stake during 2020. Overall, CFO roles included managing working capital and investments in the mid- to long-term and understanding the needs of all departments, says Gerardo Rojas, Deal Advisory Lead Partner at KPMG for Mexico and Central America. Gruma CFO Raúl Cavazos Morales, ranked 5th in the Forbes México Top CFOs ranking.
August 17
JONATHAN RUIZ / THE DIVIDE. (EL FINANCIERO 17) (EL FINANCIERO ONLINE 0) They have reported more income since the pandemic began. How many businesses can say that? The exceptions include food manufacturers. Grupo Maseca sells close to MXN 250 million of dough (flour) and tortillas per day, while Grupo Bimbo delivers bread and cookies and crackers in exchange for MXN 930 million every 24 hours. At the rate they are going, the companies are shaping up to have their best year in sales in 2021, for the second year in a row. It could be that their customers include many restaurants that have faced complications or had to shut down; however, people continue to eat at home or wherever they can, and the food business will continue to grow as long as that does not change.
CITI RESEARCH RAISES RECOMMENDATION TO BUY BIMBO, GRUMA AND KIMBER ( Citi Research raised its investment recommendations to “Buy” Bimbo, Gruma and Kimber, based on their “attractive” entry point to buy shares of these companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), in addition to other investment reasons. “These names offer attractive valuations, leadership in their main markets and efficiencies gained during the Pandemic,” said the global financial group’s analysis department in a document published today. “Gruma has consistently outperformed the market (more than 70% of the time),” says Citi Research.
August 18
CORPORATE MINUTE BY ROBERTO AGUILAR. (EL SOL DE MÉXICO 18) BMV: Issuers in consumers’ minds. The Citi Analysis Team raised its recommendation to buy shares of Grupo Bimbo,Gruma and Kimberly Clark because of their attractive valuation of the companies that now offer a buying opportunity because the relative discount in the sector should normalize in the next quarters. They also believe that these companies offer greater competitive advantages based on their market leadership and the fact that the pandemic strengthened the recognition of their respective brands and, especially, consumer loyalty.
August 19
MEXICO IS OFF TO A STRONG START AT THE PAN AMERICAN GAMES. (MILENIO DIARIO 30) (MILENIO ONLINE 0) (MILENIO ONLINE 0) Mexico starts strong in the Junior Pan American Games, with their teams ranging in age from 15 to 17 in the Weightlifting Championships that began in Monterrey, where Wilfredo Alemán Juárez won three gold medals. The event, held in the High-Performance Racket Center at the Niños Héroes Park, is sponsored by Gruma, Maseca and Mission,which are committed to supporting young talent in this sport. Weightlifter Alemán Juárez, a competitor in the 45-kilogram Sub-15 category, lifted 85 kg in Snatch and 100 kg in Clean & Jerk for a Total of 185 kg, which gave him the victory.
August 20
WEIGHTLIFTERS FROM THE STATE OF NUEVO LEÓN STAND OUT IN THE PAN AMERICAN YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) (TELEDIARIO ONLINE MONTERREY (NUEVO LEÓN) 0) (MEDIO TIEMPO ONLINE 0) (MILENIO ONLINE 0) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (06:00 A 07:00) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (08:00 A 09:00) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (08:00 A 09:00) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (10:00 A 11:00) Five years ago, Francisco Manuel Mares accepted an invitation from his cousin Eder Villasusa to practice weightlifting. He competed and won two gold and one silver medals in the Pan American U-15 and U-17 Championship held in the High-Performance Center at the Niños Héroes Park yesterday. Later, in the afternoon competition, his cousin Eder Villasusa won first place in Clean & Jerk and second in Snatch and Total. The Cerralvo Board of Trustees sponsors both athletes along with Gruma, Maseca and Mission, who are committed to supporting young talent.
August 22
COMPANIES COMMITTED TO SOCIAL WELL-BEING MAKE A STATEMENT. (MILENIO ONLINE 0) (NUESTRO PAÍS ONLINE 0) The health crisis reinforced the need to double down and join forces to promote actions to benefit workers in this nation with their families and communities in general. The proof of the efforts being carried out by the business community is found in social media, specifically, Twitter, where the companies that make up the Mexican Business Council who partnered with the Mexican Communication Council, disseminate information about the actions implemented to ensure the well-being of their workers and communities with the #EmpresasXTuBienestar hashtag. According to figures from the Mexican Business Council, more than 20 million Mexicans have benefited from the social, environmental and labor actions developed and implemented by its 59 members companies, including Gruma,Alfa, Cemex, Bimbo, Femsa, Lala and Grupo Pisa.
FRANK DURÁN ROSILLO / CORN SHORTAGE THREATENS THE AVAILABILITY OF TACOS IN THE U.S. (SIEMPRE 48-51) For Mexicans, the easiest, cheapest, and most conventional way to satisfy hunger is eating tacos at a corner stand. In the U.S., tacos are gourmet dishes prepared by chefs in upscale restaurants. The 98.5 FM radio station features “Taco Tuesday” during peak traffic hours playing good music to inspire and encourage couples to dine in Buckhead—comparable to the Zona Rosa, Miraflores, and Recoleta in LATAM—to eat four taquitos with small-sized tortillas for just USD 29.99, which the young people are happy to pay to enjoy the spicy seasonings that excite them and make them drink Margaritas and much cold beer. After watching a game, the fever of eating tacos with the family has become a very American habit. Plants like those operated by Maseca/Mission, El Milagro, Olé Foods, the Tortilla Manufacturing Company, Los Amigos Tortilla Manufacturing and La Chiquita, have invested significant amounts in machinery and buildings after a full recovery based on growing consumption by those who choose to leave the greasy hamburger behind in exchange for a spicy taco with a little guacamole.
August 23
ABOUT PEOPLE IN MONTERREY. (EL NORTE ONLINE (NUEVO LEÓN) 0) CFOs in Monterrey-based companies take a stellar podium as six were just listed in the honor roll of the Top 20 CFOs in Mexico in 2021. It is a ranking prepared by Forbes México every year, ranking Lamosa’s Antonio Touché in second place this year. The fourth and fifth positions are held by Emilio Marcos Charur at Arca Continental and Raúl Cavazos Morales at Gruma, while Alpek’s José Carlos Pons ranked eighth.
August 25
MASECA SENDS TORTILLA-PRODUCTION UNITS TO VERACRUZ (MILENIO NOTICIAS (16:00 A 17:00) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (16:00 A 17:00) (MILENIO NOTICIAS (18:00 A 22:00) Magda González: Maseca sent five of its mobile tortilla-production units called “Tortimóviles” to make hot tortillas in Xalapa, Poza Rica, Papantla, Tihuatlán and Victoria. These units can produce more than 200,000 hot tortillas per day. This is done in coordination with the state and federal authorities to meet the demand for food by the people who were greatly affected by the passage of Hurricane Grace through Veracruz last weekend. Gruma CEO Juan González Moreno instructed the Tortimóviles to remain in the State of Veracruz until the emergency has passed.
August 26
TORTIMÓVIL (MOBILE TORTILLAS-PRODUCTION UNITS) ADDRESS THE VICTIMS’ NEEDS.(24 HORAS 16) (MILENIO DIARIO 17) (EXCÉLSIOR 2) (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO 20) After the passage of Hurricane Grace, Maseca sent five of their Tortimóvil (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) to support the families affected by the hurricane in the State of Veracruz. The units can produce more than 200,000 hot tortillas for immediate consumption every day. In a press release, the company explained that their Tortimóviles prepare food products autonomously since they are equipped with their own power plants, gas, water, Maseca corn flour, wrapping paper, and coolers to conserve and transport tortillas.Masecaunits and personnel are working out of the Community Management Center #15 (El Morral) in Xalapa; the Los Sauces Community Center in Poza Rica; the El Carrizal de Papantla community, in Tihuatlán and in the La Victoria community. Gruma President and CEO Juan González Moreno issued instructions to have the Maseca Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) remain in the towns across Veracruz producing free hot tortillas until the emergency has passed. “Support for families affected by the Hurricane in Veracruz is of the utmost importance to the company. That is why we are and will continue to help the victims in the State until the emergency is over,” he said.
ROGELIO VARELA / CORPORATE NEWS / THE MONEY ROUTE. (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO 17) (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO.COM)Gruma, commandeered by Juan González Moreno, once again stands out in solidarity with the population in the face of natural disasters. For the time being, and in the face of the disasters Hurricane Grace left in its wake, the tortilla giant sent five Maseca Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) to the State of Veracruz. These are units that make food independently, as each is equipped with a power plant, gas, water, corn flour, wrapping paper and coolers to conserve and transport the tortillas. Maseca staff are in constant contact with the authorities to serve the communities most affected by the hurricane.
GUADALUPE ROMERO / INCOME CODE / WORK TO STOP WORRYING. (DIARIO CONTRARÉPLICA ONLINE 0) In line with its social commitment, Maseca sent five Maseca Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) to assist the families affected by Hurricane Grace in the State of Veracruz. That is what you call acting without looking for the genie’s lamp under the magic carpet.
THE GOOD NEWS. HELP FOR VICTIMS AFFECTED BY HURRICANE GRACE IN VERACRUZ. (ENFOQUE VESPERTINO) Josefina Claudia Herrera: Victims in the State of Veracruz continue to receive aid after the passage of Hurricane Grace. On Monday, the Mexican Red Cross sent 13 tons of supplies to help with relief efforts, and Maseca sent five Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) equipped with the capacity to make 200,000 tortillas for immediate consumption per day. The units are located in Jalapa, Poza Rica, Papantla, and La Victoria.
MASECA SUPPORTS VICTIMS IN VERACRUZ.(IMAGEN NOTICIAS CON FRANCISCO ZEA) Enrique Villanueva: In light of the damage produced by Hurricane Grace in Veracruz, MASECA sent personnel and five Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) to the affected areas. These are independent machines that have the capacity to make 200,000 tortillas per day for distribution among the population affected by the storm.
GRUMA SENDS FIVE MASECA TORTIMÓVILES (MOBILE TORTILLA-PRODUCTION UNITS) TO VERACRUZ(TELEDIARIO) Carlos Zúñiga: Today, President López Obrador asked about the big companies that should be there to support hurricane victims. Well, there is one, as Gruma reported that it sent five Maseca Tortimóviles to Xalapa, Poza Rica, Papantla, Tihuatlán and Victoria in Veracruz, to support the victims affected by Hurricane Grace. Gruma President Juan González, confirmed that they are constantly in touch with local and federal authorities to serve the communities that need their help.
100 GLOBAL MEXICAN COMPANIES / MORE COUNTRIES, FEWER RISKS. (EXPANSIÓN 2-93-94-96-99) In the Top 100 Global Mexican Companies ranking published by Expansión magazine, Gruma appears in 12th place.
August 28
FITCH RATINGS UPGRADES GRUMA’S INVESTMENT GRADE TO AN EIGHTH POSITION. (SENTIDO COMÚN ONLINE 0) Gruma,the world’s largest producer of corn flour and tortillas, received a global upgrade from Fitch Ratings because of its solid financial profile and performance outlook. The company’s rating went from ‘BBB’ to ‘BBB+,’ from the ninth to the eighth investment-grade notch, with a stable rating outlook, announced the risk evaluator in a report. “The upgrade reflectsGruma’strack record of maintaining a solid financial position,” Fitch Ratings wrote in the report. “Gruma’s financial profile is among the strongest in the packaged food sector.”
RANKING OF THE COMPANIES WITH THE BEST CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN MEXICO //. (EXCÉLSIOR 1-25-39) The Ranking of “The 200 Best Socially Responsible Companies” prepared by Tops México is the result of an in-depth analysis of the business sector using the Triple Bottom Line Model: social, environmental and business aspects. Gruma is ranked among the Top five Food Companies doing Corporate Social Responsibility successfully in Mexico.
August 31
ENGGE CHAVARRÍA / TINTA Y PAPEL (INK & PAPER). (EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO ONLINE 0) In the notes ... The heavy rains and storms that Hurricane Grace poured on Xalapa, Poza Rica, Papantla, Tihuatlán and Victoria affected the State’s population. However, several businesses like Grupo Maseca rallied to help and send five Maseca Tortimóviles (Mobile Tortilla-Production Units) to make hot tortillas in that area of Veracruz. In coordination with state and federal authorities, the Tortimóvil units met the demand for food by the people affected by the natural phenomenon.
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